Test your Play !!

In the last edition of Lockdown series, in one of the league match, we saw a similar auction in both rooms. However, there were different approaches observed to analyze this hand. BOTH VUL, the auction took place as below:

1C = 16+ Artificial, 2c was Natural, Lead: C Ace

Based on the intervention and a tempting dummy, which line you will consider ? If there are two cases, you can suggest both the lines. Please share your comments via reply to this post.. I shall post the full deal shortly. 


7 thoughts on “Test your Play !!

  • April 19, 2020 at 11:23 AM

    if heart and dmds dont worse than 4-2, then i have 4 tricks in red suit.. therefore i require 6 tricks in spade suit..5 no power in earth can stop me.. sixth one can come via the heart ruff in dummy.. if it gets over ruffed then then i have my 6 spade tricks in hand.. hence i wd cash the heart Ace and K .. cash the dmd AK and exit heart. and ruff the 4th heart with spade 10.

    • April 19, 2020 at 1:55 PM

      The line surely looks better! However, assuming if some red suit doesnt break 4-2.. are u combining the chances of one suit adverse break on the way? say if h were 5-1 or if d were 5-1.

  • April 21, 2020 at 1:42 PM

    Nice problem Srini. i dont even know if it is correct to play this way. The gain on one hand will lead to losses on others as you expend too much energy.

    My analysis of the bidding and vul and assume that opps have a two suiter defence avalailable i would play LHO for 4(31)5 type hand.
    So cash HA and play a low heart, assuming LHO shows out and RHO wins and forces you.play a second heart forcing LHO to ruff, if he does not you play DA and a dia to king and come back to SA and score ST by ruffing a H

    If LHO ruffs and forces you you cash HA if he ruffs you over ruff and have to guess dias.

    If hearts are 33 then you cash 3 hearts and DA and Dk and ruff a club and ruff a H. Much easier.

    • April 21, 2020 at 2:22 PM

      Good Analysis !! One clarification !
      Trick 2: low h Lho followed and it went to RHO with Q and he backs a Club, When u play 3rd H LHO ruffs and plays 3rd Club, So far 4 tricks to Dec…. Now both dec and defenders are left with 3 trumps each. If u play to play 4th H, LHO will discard a D, if u guess the D Q still it will be dangerous to cash the 3rd one and if u want to draw trumps then defender will get upperhand !

      • April 21, 2020 at 4:26 PM


        so in the position where you have three trumps each, you cant make unless LHO has DQ so you play a dia to the T, ruff a club, cash DA and now play the 4th H. defender has no answer

  • April 28, 2020 at 6:01 PM

    After riffing the CA lead i will play a low S to 10 of dummy hope the LHO wins withK
    Then I have two entry in dummy and finish the HQ and DQ both
    If Rho win and back C then ruff , takeout trump Play AK and 3rd and finish the D for Q against the RHo if LHO produced the K of S and Q of H

  • October 17, 2020 at 1:37 AM

    The guy who bid 4C is 5-4. He has only 4C, and a red second suit will mean a singleton with the guy on lead in that suit, and he would have led it. So, the 5 card suit is most likely Spades, and the guy on lead is 0-4-4-5. So, ruff, cash H A,K, cash D A,K, ruff another club, exit with H. Ruffing the 4th H with S 10, gives 4 more trump tricks.


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