The pendulum – Summer National Pairs Finals – Session 1
What do you do with this on the given auction. You certainly have a lot of undisclosed playing strength.. but what’s the best way to get it across? Double? Hoping that partner can bid 3N? But you are missing that crucial card .. the DA. One stopper may not be enough. 4D? You can’t really afford to bypass 3N at MP.
I eventually elected to pass. That turned out very well when partner had a 3N bid with 12 hcp and ♠ AK
This was worth about 80%
Another close game on the very next board gave us another 80% score.
And then quite uncharacteristically, Sagnik Roy decided to go low with his 9 hcp against 1NT opening by Nandi.
These are aggressive players, so I think I’m just lucky that I didn’t have a hand worth balancing, or the penalty could be heavy :). That missed game was worth another 90%
We sold an overtrick on the next board for a below average score.