Inducing Errors – Webinar

How it works

A well known position


Our initial plan is to cash the K and Q, and if West shows out, finesse the Ten

Click next to trick 2 end

Appearance of 9 may lead declarer to play East for shortage and play Ace next.

East conjures a trick by playing the 9


2 thoughts on “Inducing Errors – Webinar

  • June 13, 2021 at 9:10 AM

    Fear that contract may make = not the only reason why players r shy to X ; perhaps it is even low in the reasons column:-
    1. Gives undue information
    2. Partner may imagine the X alerts him to do something unusual
    3. In a competitive auction the x may persuade partner to bid – in this age of non- penalty X
    The above three come ahead of the fear that the contract may make !!


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