Benefits of Transfer and Retransfer Bids
Lets see how it works over 1M opening –
1S – DBL – 1NT ( shows C – may or may not bid again , with or without FIT , may have good 6-
card good C suit and invite in NT later or support the M at 2-3-4 level )
2C ( shows D suit – may or may not bid again like above )
2D ( shows H suit – may or may not bid again )
2H ( Good raise / 7-10 points OR even more when responder will most likely bid
Game or double opponents for Penalty )
2S ( POOR Raise = 3/6 points )
2NT ( Balanced Limit raise or better with 4+ trumps and NO other feature
like a good side suit or a splinter to highlight.
3C/3D/3H = MINI/MIDI splinter
3S = Preemptive
3NT = ( can be played as Game force hand with BAD trumps and stoppers outside )
4C/4D/4H = ( Good 5-4 / 6- 4 in the bid suit and trump fit , may make a slam at
most on a finesse
4S = ( distributional /anti slammish with at most 2 controls outside , K=1/ A=2 )
Similarly after 1H opening –
1H – DBL – 1NT ( shows C , may or may not bid again)
2C ( Shows D suit )
2D ( Good Raise with 3-4 trumps )
2H ( Poor raise )
2NT ( Limit raise or better )
2S/3C/3D = MINI/MIDI splinter
3H = Prremptive
3S/4C/4D = Good 5-4/6-4 fit in the bid suit and 4+trumps
3NT = Game forcing values with 4 poor trumps
4H = Preemptive type / distributional / anti slammish