This hand was played by Subrata Saha in a local one day duplicate tournament held yesterday.
(1) 4+♥, limit raise or better
(2) some ♣ and ♠ .
Most likely North took that 3♠ bid as encouraging and bid 4♠ . Subrata da ruffed the ♥ lead and played ♣ K from dummy, east produced a high ♣ (playing udca) and E took his A. After a significant thought he failed to play a trump and returned a ♦ . Declarer ruffed 2♥ s in dummy and discarded 2 red loser on ♣ QJ to reach the following ending:
He played 4th ♣ from dummy (I do not find any difference between ♣ and ♦ ) and when his RHO ruffed with ♠ 9, he smartly under ruffed that. The helpless RHO did not have any legitimate way to beat the contract, declarer ruffed his ♥ return and claimed the contract after playing ♠ A and back ♠. Had he over ruffed the ♠ 9, defense would be able to defeat the contract by taking 3♠ and a ♣ trick.