ProAm 2020

LAQUNA ProAm 2020 Title Trophy

Swim with the sharks

Are you a veteran who has “been there done that”, but still would like to compete with the best out there? Perhaps its best to get one of them on your side.

Are you an experienced player who believes he hasn’t got enough opportunity to showcase your skills yet. You think your partners aren’t imaginative enough to understand your bids or play. If only you had a more understanding partner..

Are you a player who wonders how these experts smoke out every queen, get to those impossible slams and bring those home. Do you think it will be fun to be a part of this action?

Do you have it in you to swim with the sharks and come out ahead.

Presenting to you this unique opportunity.

Some of the country’s most renowned players have offered to play with you in a three day grueling IMP pairs event to be held online. Make the most of this chance. Pick your favorite expert – and get cracking.

So who are these players – Check Here

How do I choose

You bid for your favorite partners. Each of these experts will partner with the highest bidder, or a player nominated by them. Minimum bid amount is Rs 5,000/- Maximum Rs 20,000/- This means the first person to make a bid for max amount wins the bid for sure.

Am I eligible

Please note that you or your nominated player needs to have some minimum experience and competence. We do not require you to be a national master etc, but do expect you to have sufficient knowledge of the game. If you make a bid, your eligibility for that bid, based on bridge experience and proficiency, will need to be approved. Once approved you can make a bid for any player. It is advisable that you ask for pre-approval for yourself or your nominated players Here

Are there prizes

Oh yes, there will be a handsome prize pool. If you and your partner win a prize, it will be shared equally between two of you.  We are very happy to announce that the title prize will be LAQUNA ProAm 2020 Title Prize (plus a trophy each to be sent to winners at a later date). Thank you 

Minimum Prize pool will be Rs. 70,000/- We expect it to be substantially higher.

How do I bid

By visiting the Bidding page

Can I bid for more than one player

Sure you can. Please do note though that all bids are binding. If you happen to win more than one bid, you’ll need to pay for all winning bids. You can nominate partners for all the players you have winning bids for – subject to approval.

Am I outbid / what are the current bids

On the Bidding page you’ll see the current highest bid for each player. If you have made that bid, you’ll see it. 

How do I know my bid has won

There are two ways to know a winning bid. The first bid for max amount for any player is certainly a winner. For other amounts the winning bid will be known at the end of the bidding. We’ll announce that schedule soon.

What happens to money

50% of the highest bid amount for any given player goes to that player as a fee. The remainder goes to prize pool, after expense deduction. There will be an additional purse added to the prize pool. Thanks to 

Systems and conventions

You will get two days to discuss systems and conventions if you win a bid. The pros will make themselves available for a sufficient time for system discussion. Only standard based and precision/strong club (or club diamond) based systems will be permitted. Artificial systems will not be permitted. No multi bids, no psyches.

Format and Schedule

The dates for the event are 29th to 31st May 2020. We expect to finish by 3:00 pm on Sunday. The exact format will be announced later. We expect it will be 16-18 rounds of 6 board matches over a period of 2.5 days. Please keep visiting this page for updates.


Kibitzing and watching are an essential part of the game. We certainly want everyone to be involved. But, given the security considerations in an online environment, the kibitzing will be available through a web meeting rather than directly. You’ll need to ask for access. We’d like to know who is watching. More details soon.

How do we play

The play will be on an online bridge portal. Please note that we’ll expect you to join a web-meeting/video call during the play. So its preferable that you play all your matches using a laptop or computer that has a web cam installed, and that you can use for audio. The use of hand held devices (phones, ipads) for this tournament is highly undesirable.

Have a question

Reach out to or whatsapp Sandeep at +919910034918
