PCBA League-28Mar
Table Team Name Team Name Imps VPs
1 14 Three and Half Men 38 Borivali Sports Club 23 17.11 – 2.89
2 7 Monica Jajoo 19 Nestinn -14 5.04 – 14.96
3 6 Surbhi 23 Samadhan Violet -7 7.23 – 12.77
4 5 Rampage 27 Bold Play 5 12.05 – 7.95
5 22 Air Bus 40 Frenemies 5 12.05 – 7.95
6 3 Dangs 20 DG Blue 20 16.46 – 3.54
7 1 Samadhan Purple 18 Mix Bag -11 5.91 – 14.09
8 10 Ramtekdi 17 Krishna -5 7.95 – 12.05
9 11 DG Green 16 Pradeep -35 0.89 – 19.11
10 12 Jeopardy 31 Algebra 4 11.67 – 8.33
11 29 Bond 37 Desert Storm 23 17.11 – 2.89
12 32 Bridge Doctors 35 Mango -25 2.5 – 17.5
13 4 Bidders 28 PCBA1 -12 5.61 – 14.39
14 13 WCG 36 A K Bose -18 4 – 16
15 34 Abhay 39 DG Red -9 6.55 – 13.45
16 21 Princess Diaries 25 PCBA2 -30 1.63 – 18.37
17 2 Ajinkya 24 Snapdragons 5 12.05 – 7.95
18 26 Easy Bridge 30 DDRAM 10 13.78 – 6.22
19 9 IDoctors 33 Team Telugu -2 9.14 – 10.86
20 8 Tasher Desh 15 Prashanth 9 13.45 – 6.55
RANKINGS – Round 5 awaiting 20 scores

Rank Team Names VPs M1 M2 M3 M4 M5
1 14 Three and Half Men 75.96 19.74 19.11 20.00 17.11 0.00
2 19 Nestinn 59.61 10.86 15.75 18.04 14.96 0.00
3 23 Samadhan Violet 54.19 17.11 10.86 13.45 12.77 0.00
4 3 Dangs 53.43 13.12 5.32 18.53 16.46 0.00
5 5 Rampage 51.16 16.00 6.88 16.23 12.05 0.00
6= 18 Mix Bag 50.09 16.00 20.00 0.00 14.09 0.00
6= 22 Air Bus 50.09 18.04 9.14 10.86 12.05 0.00
8 6 Surbhi 48.08 4.00 16.90 19.95 7.23 0.00
9 7 Monica Jajoo 47.96 16.68 13.12 13.12 5.04 0.00
10 38 Borivali Sports Club 47.92 15.23 13.12 16.68 2.89 0.00
11 16 Pradeep 47.58 20.00 0.89 7.58 19.11 0.00
12 27 Bold Play 46.25 19.37 12.05 6.88 7.95 0.00
13 29 Bond 45.38 15.50 0.00 12.77 17.11 0.00
14 40 Frenemies 45.36 12.05 11.27 14.09 7.95 0.00
15 17 Krishna 45.15 4.00 16.68 12.42 12.05 0.00
16 35 Mango 43.65 15.50 6.88 3.77 17.50 0.00
17 36 A K Bose 41.10 4.50 3.10 17.50 16.00 0.00
18 28 PCBA1 40.52 0.63 13.45 12.05 14.39 0.00
19 12 Jeopardy 40.39 9.56 4.77 14.39 11.67 0.00
20 25 PCBA2 40.19 7.58 12.77 1.47 18.37 0.00
21 10 Ramtekdi 40.04 14.09 14.68 3.32 7.95 0.00
22= 20 DG Blue 40.03 9.14 18.21 9.14 3.54 0.00
22= 1 Samadhan Purple 40.03 19.62 7.95 6.55 5.91 0.00
24 31 Algebra 37.80 10.44 13.12 5.91 8.33 0.00
25 39 DG Red 35.86 7.95 7.23 7.23 13.45 0.00
26 26 Easy Bridge 34.98 12.42 8.73 0.05 13.78 0.00
27 2 Ajinkya 33.37 0.38 6.55 14.39 12.05 0.00
28 4 Bidders 30.99 6.88 11.27 7.23 5.61 0.00
29 11 DG Green 30.98 10.44 6.88 12.77 0.89 0.00
30 33 Team Telugu 30.94 8.73 1.79 9.56 10.86 0.00
31 34 Abhay 30.80 11.27 4.25 8.73 6.55 0.00
32 37 Desert Storm 30.20 4.77 11.27 11.27 2.89 0.00
33 9 IDoctors 29.39 5.91 8.73 5.61 9.14 0.00
34 32 Bridge Doctors 29.25 9.56 15.23 1.96 2.50 0.00
35 24 Snapdragons 29.23 2.89 7.95 10.44 7.95 0.00
36 13 WCG 29.08 0.26 12.05 12.77 4.00 0.00
37 30 DDRAM 26.68 4.50 8.73 7.23 6.22 0.00
38 8 Tasher Desh 25.70 3.32 3.32 5.61 13.45 0.00
39 21 Princess Diaries 23.59 1.96 12.05 7.95 1.63 0.00
40 15 Prashanth 17.00 0.00 7.95 2.50 6.55 0.00