The pendulum – Summer National Pairs – Session 2
Hand rotated 180
The overcall and lead of ♥ 2 tells you that hearts are 3-6. RHO wins HA and returns the Q.
I played ♠ A and another, lho played jack and dummy won the king, RHO following. I now cashed diamonds, and found that RHO had Jxx. So after 4 rounds, I exited a spade to LHO, who had to break the clubs. Small to Ten and King, and I played another round to 9 ,secure in the knowledge that even if I misguess and lose to J, RHO will be endplayed as he’s now known to be 2632. He’ll have to play a heart and give me a ruff discard.
Another thorny decision was not long in coming
Its tempting to bid 4♠ over partner’s 3♦ . However, I decided to temporize with 3♠ A slam is not impossible when pd has ♣ Short with say Ax♠ . It was time to decide when pd bid 4♥ . Its quite possible that your hand is worth 6 tricks in spades and useless in hearts. However what swung me was the absence of ♠ T. I might have 2 trump losers in 4♠ while partner has good 65 of his own.. I passed 4♥ . That turned out to be a good decision as 4♠ can be beaten on ♥ ruff, while 4♥ is cold
In penultimate round of the session Basak and Avi bid a good 6♣ against us.
And in the last round playing against Rajeev and Himani I made a huge error when I did not convert 2♥ dbl, looking at A98xx hearts and a side Ace. 2Hx goes down 3, and 110 in 3♣ was hardly any compensation.
However, on the last hand Himani took a passive view and that resulted in them missing a game. That was a shared top for us.
It had been a good session overall. We had got the better of most of the exchanges.
We were now upto 2nd position, trailing only by 5 match points to our teammates Tewari and Keyzad.
Manna and Datta were breathing down our necks, only 1 MP away. Good news was that the huge lead that they had at the end of 1st set had been overcome.
Last set sure promised to be exciting, and a definite test of nerves.
Stay tuned.
Board 1. Partner rates to be 5440 and is not likely to pass a responsive dbl, so a better approach is to make a responsive dbl and raise partner’s bid to the appropriate level. You may get to grand if partner bids 3S or 4C. Over 4D stay conservative with 4S or bid 5N. Maybe partner can bid 6D with a good dia suit and it may be best.
I missed adding that sometimes partner will be 3055 and may jump to 4N which will also get you to the best strain.
Keep the series going. Both fun and educational.