The pendulum – Summer National Pairs – Session 2
We had our first, and only, bidding misunderstanding on Bd 26 when I thought we played fit jumps from passed hand, and Jaggy’s understanding was that 3m is natural invitation. There’s a conflict in our notes, and we need to resolve it. I bid 3♣ opposite partner’s 3rd seat 1♠ opening as a fit jump, and Jaggy passed it. However it was not a disaster as I was allowed to score 10 tricks in clubs. 9 tricks is the limit in spades, and quite a few bid game and went down. So we were able to escape the accident with a 45% score.
This beauty came up soon after
Playing in 4S, after a ♥ lead to Ace and ♦ Q return, if declarer simply draws trumps and cashes 2 hearts, south hand is squeezed in minors. Whichever minor he reduces, declarer can ruff and setup the long card in that minor for 12 tricks.
However, Jaggy tried to take 2 ruffs early on, and ran into an overruff – 11 tricks for a 40% score.
Ian and Panja made 12 tricks on the squeeze, while Laltu made 12 by taking the right view and ruffing 2 clubs early in the dummy.
Immediate next hand was an interesting play problem that most of the field got right.
Board 1. Partner rates to be 5440 and is not likely to pass a responsive dbl, so a better approach is to make a responsive dbl and raise partner’s bid to the appropriate level. You may get to grand if partner bids 3S or 4C. Over 4D stay conservative with 4S or bid 5N. Maybe partner can bid 6D with a good dia suit and it may be best.
I missed adding that sometimes partner will be 3055 and may jump to 4N which will also get you to the best strain.
Keep the series going. Both fun and educational.