The pendulum – Summer National Pairs – Session 2
After partner opened a weak two, I mildly raised the stakes, knowing that I had atleast a VUL game to play against. Little did I know that they can do better than slam simply by doubling.
6♣ is a great contract, and 7 can be made by ruffing a D loser with ♣ A and then running the Jack.
6♠ is also pretty good, requiring either ♠ break or ♣ guess.
West should get it right since we play 8-11 weak 2 in 1st 2 seats and use multi for weaker preempts.
However luckily for us, he did not. Once he found out that I had the winner spade, he probably got worried about going down multiple tricks if I won the ♣ Q
I could then draw the last trump and play a heart to partner. We don’t know the real reason, and perhaps won’t unless he elects to share.
This was a good start to the session.
A defensive problem coming up
Board 1. Partner rates to be 5440 and is not likely to pass a responsive dbl, so a better approach is to make a responsive dbl and raise partner’s bid to the appropriate level. You may get to grand if partner bids 3S or 4C. Over 4D stay conservative with 4S or bid 5N. Maybe partner can bid 6D with a good dia suit and it may be best.
I missed adding that sometimes partner will be 3055 and may jump to 4N which will also get you to the best strain.
Keep the series going. Both fun and educational.