Lockdown Battle 2 _ Home

With the amount of interest and popularity that the 1st edition of this event generated, it was a given that we will have a second edition. So here we are, with more teams, extended format, more competition and more quality bridge to watch

This edition has two new teams, bringing the total up to 8.

Raju Tolani and Ajay Khare, who played with DSM in 1st edition, now enter as Manyawar, teaming up with Subhash Dhakras, R Sridar, Dr. Sriniwas (BDoc), and SK Iyengar.

Monica Jajoo has also joined the fray – Sandip Datta, Samir Basak, Joy79 (Somesh) and Biswajeet Poddar form up the team.

KRV and Swarnendu are in for DSM.

Welcome all of you.


We shall be playing a round robin, one match per team per day of 30 boards each (10*3). Please see the draw for details.

We kickoff today with:

DSM vs Hemant – 3:30 pm

Rampage vs Manyawar – 3:30 pm

Poddar vs Alpha – 4:00 pm

Formidables vs Monica – 4:30 pm

Come join the party.


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