Hopeless Slam? Or a Certain one.

You put up the  A from dummy, win a high  , cash  A, come to hand with  A – west following twice and east discarding a club, and ruff a   in dummy. So west now has 6 , 3 , 2  leaving room for only 2 . Perhaps that doubleton includes the queen. It really should as otherwise he could hardly have an opening hand unless his clubs are KQJ. 

So you cash dummy’s  AK and her highness makes an appearance on your left.

You are upto 11 tricks – or is it 12?

It is indeed 12 – so long as you don’t ruff your   loser. Use that precious card to throw away a   loser. 

East – who never expected to win a trick, atleast not this hand, suddenly finds himself the winner of only defensive trick. Only because all he has left are clubs – and the ruff discard gets rid of your last loser.

It was a cold slam afterall -wasn’t it 🙂



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