Hopeless Slam? Or a Certain one.
You are given no chance to apply the brakes. And next thing you know you are declarer in 6♥ . The sight of dummy isn’t especially pleasing. Take a look.
Two diamond losers stare you in the face – to say nothing of the potential spade loser.
It won’t do to just give up. Partner actually took a reasonable gamble. Whenever you have 2 ♦ and ♠ Q, the contract should be a sitter. And if you had by chance bid 3♠ over 3♦ – a grand slam would be a hot one. However, back to table – we need to give ourselves a chance to make 6.
Lets see what we know about opponents hands. First thing that occurs to us is opponents seem to have a lot of clubs. And still West chose to rebid diamonds rather than raising clubs!! That should perclude 4 ♣ with W. So ♣ should be 7-3, possibly 8-2.
what about diamonds? To rebid 2♦ holding some ♣ fit, West must have good 6. If he has 7, the lead is going to get ruffed an you will have no play. So lets assume 6♦ and 3♣ with West, 1♦ and 7♣ with East.
A glimmer of hope is starting to appear – do you see it?