2 thoughts on “Bergen and Jacoby

  • March 30, 2017 at 10:21 PM

    4 card raises are important (Mike Lawrence wrote a 3 series article on this). Bergan raises(along with Jacoby 2NT) are simple (and well documented) and played by lot of people. As long as you cover different versions of 4 card raise (Mixed raise, preemptive raise, Limit raise and forcing raise and 4 card drury raise- all of these with 4 card trump) in your system after partner opens 1 Major, you are covered.
    I play reverse Bergan (3C as LR, 3D as Mixed Raise). Play few modifications after Jacoby 2NT response. Never had a hand that was not covered by this till now. I avoid giving Bergan raises with 4333 shape, but that is more on hand evaluation/Judgement.


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