Benefits of Transfer and Retransfer Bids





1X – 1Y

 2NT ( 18-19 ) is quite a common auction. Responder can always PASS / BID 3NT/  BID 4M of his own with 6+ cards /4NT/5NT/6NT with appropriate values BUT , there are other cases – like TWO suiters / long single suit but weak / Other Game forcing or slam invitational hands .  Retransfers work out quite well as shown below :

Few examples

1D – 1H

2NT – 3C ( shows 4+ D for the time being along with 4+H ) – subsequent bidding can lead to NT/D or H contract.

  • 3D = Retransfer to 3H with 5+ cards which responder can PASS with weak hand and poor 5/6/7 points

  ( After the forced 3H by opener , responder can  bid 3S to show 4 card in S or bid 4m or

  simply  bid 3NT /4NT etc. Opener to decide where to play  )

 3H = Transfer to S with 4 cards ) it shows 4H and 4S – may lead to 3NT/4H and also 4S when opener decided to HIDE 4-card S suit for some logical reasons ( lead coming into his hand , NT oriented hand with secondary honors and spot cards )

3S = Transfer to C. Whenever C suit is being shown – it should be EITHER highly distributional OR strong hand with the bid Major and C suit. Opener will BY -PASS 3NT over 3S with GOOD working hands either in C suit OR the bid Major ( one inference – if responder did have LONGER C than the bid M and a game forcing hand , he would START with a 2/1 response with 2C and show the M later ). So when bidding via 3S retransfer to show C should be 4-card M and 5C . With 5-5 or better , responder should retransfer into the major and show C later at 4- level . Opener will get the message and play in 4M/5C/4NT or higher

1C/1D  – 1S

  2NT ==== similar concept as above .

  1C – 1D or 1H or1S

   2NT   – similar RETRANSFERS to describe responders hand

   1H  – 1S

    2NT – 3D ( transfer to H ) – it should mean 5S ( or very good 4 card S ) and 3 cards in H and better hand . with minimum hand , responder may have simply bid 2H instead of going via 1S bid OR jump to 4H after 2NT rebid by opener with a guaranteed 5-3 H fit.

Whenever we talk about BETTER hand , it means you may be interested in bidding HIGHER with right FIT and controls . Other normal hands should be bid FASTER to appropriate part score or game .


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