Benefits of Transfer and Retransfer Bids

  • 2D – DBL = Either a 2H Overcall ( TRANSFER ) or a Balanced 15-17 . May have second suit also and any good hand. Responder quite often assumes that it is a 2H overcall and bids accordingly. He can bid natural suits as one round force , he can bid 2NT with values and let partner describe further , he can jump to some logical game etc. This is when the RHO has passed and shown no interest in COMPETING.
  • 2H –  shows a 2S overcall ( TRANSFER ) – may or may not bid again depending on subsequent bidding . Bidding may go as 2D – 2H* – P -2S ( NO INTEREST by responder YET ) – P- 2NT/3C/3D/3H/3S by OVERCALLER as game tries with or without second suit ). Responder RE-EVALUATES and bids accordingly.

Responder can also bid game in S or in NT or explore other options by bidding naturally or by bidding 2NT ( general values ) or 3S  as invitational. 

  • 2S shows C overcall ( TRANSFER ) – may or may not bid again / may have shorter Major suit or D suit ) . He will bid again with good hand as a game try if responder only takes the transfer bid with 3C.

2D – 2S

3C ( simple acceptance ) – 3D/3H/3S = Natural second suit and bidding proceeds by responder after re- evaluation of the hand.

  • 2NT shows balanced 18-20 range with BOTH Major stoppers. Responder can use stayman and transfers etc.
  • 3C shows D over call ( TRANSFER ) – may or may not bid again – May have a shorter Major suit which he can bid for game try even if responder has shown no interest and bids only 3D as directed by the transfer overcall. After the second suit is known , responder can RE-EVALUATE.
  • 3D shows D suit overcall along with shorter or equally long C suit. – respond as per above.
  • 3H / 3S or any other jump bid can be semi preemptive type OR Invitational type ( Clear agreement required ).
  • 3NT will be to play with stopper/s and some long running Minor.
  • 4H/4S – To Play
  • DBL and then jumping to 3NT will be stronger type ( 22+ )


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