HCL YearEnd 2020 Open

HCL YearEnd 2020 Open Tournament

                                             By – Team Bridgeduniya

Update 29/11/2020 14:00

Pairs seating position will be posted at 15:30 hours on this site

There may be multiple sections – you must join the link for your section only

Reporting time 16:10

Teams qualifiers – start time 16:00 hours – Submission of CC compulsory. Automatic penalties every session.

Email your CC to cardpacker@gmail.com or sgaggarwal@gmail.com with your team name.

Update 29/11/2020 09:00

  1. SCoC clearly states that audio and video connection is mandatory. If in a match your video isn’t functional, and opponents object – the board will be awarded to Non offending side without any further recourse
  2. In the pairs event if your video is not working and your opponents object – a score of avg+ to non offending side, zero to offending side will be awarded. If there are any players who do not have AV equipment, but have decided to register, they are requested to either arrange for proper equipment or not risk playing.
  3. All of you are advised to read the SCoC especially with relation to online play environment, UNDOs and director calls. Whenever an undo is asked for, director must be called. You must not accept or reject undo on your own violition. The person asking for undo must call and wait for the director
  4. Pairs entry close at 14:00 sharp. Please register well in time. Even those who qualify for teams must give their entries by 14:00 today. No late entries will be entertained

Update 27/11/2020 11:00 PM

We have 64 teams participating. The participant list is available through the “Roster” Link above.

Instructions for teams participants

To join the game, please click on the appropriate link in the top right of the site (HCL YearEnd Open Teams Swiss – Participants)

Login with your name, and join the table reserved for your team

All Players must be seated on their respective team table 5 minutes prior to start time for every round.

You are advised to leave your table once play finishes. So your teammates who are going to play next round can occupy seats

Draw Constraints

The system does a random draw for R1. This is out of our control. So the draw for R1 will not be known.

For subsequent rounds – the posted draw may not be published for some teams. If there are multiple teams at same score, and your team is expected to play against one of them as per score (assuming you haven’t played any of them before), the system assigns one of them as your opponents randomly. This is likely to be significant towards beginning of swiss league. To overcome this situation – all those teams who may be affected, the draw will be published a little late. Such teams are requested to wait for their seating assignments in the whatsapp group for team coordinators.

They will be given extra time for seating – 5 minutes after they are given their assignments.

This is controlled by system – and we have no control over this.


Join one of the two watch links provided at the top of web site via google meet.



  • Open event – Teams and Pairs
  • 9 rounds of Swiss League
  • BFI Red Master Points
  • Top 16 to qualify
  • Bhartiya style KO stage
  • 3 levels of elimination for pairs – subject to number of entries
  • Team Finalists eligible for pairs finals
  • Attractive Prizes

Important Dates

  • Teams Entry Closes 27/11/2020 – 7:00 PM
  • Pairs Entry Closes 29/11/2020 – 2:00 PM
  • Swiss League Starts 28/11/2020 – 9:30 AM
  • Teams Finals – 05/12/2020
  • Pairs Finals – 06/12/2020

Please see schedule for details.


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